Handling parents over Christmas break

You love your parents to death, but let’s face it: after a few months living out of the house, adjusting to pre-college life

Your parents may drive you crazy over break, but at least you're only home for a few weeks! Photo found on tumblr.com.

Your parents may drive you crazy over break, but at least you’re only home for a few weeks! Photo found on tumblr.com.

with the ‘rents can be difficult to do during Christmas break. Below are a few things to remember during the long

holiday vacation:

  • Prepare to take on chores again.  Just because you’re a college student probably doesn’t mean your parents won’t expect you to take out the trash or empty the dishwasher once you arrive back home.
  • Expect to re-gain a curfew.
  • Don’t be surprised if your parents still treat you like a child when you return home; your parents probably aren’t sure how they should treat you now that you’re out of the house. More likely than not, going away to college is as new and different for them as it is for you, especially if you’re the oldest of your siblings. Just be patient, and don’t ruin the holidays by losing your cool when you don’t get your way with Mom and Dad.
  • Respect your parents’ wishes. Just because you’re enrolled in a university does not mean your parents’ rules don’t still apply when you arrive back home.
  • Expect your parents to be nosy! They haven’t seen you in awhile and are probably curious as to what you’ve been up to. If they ask a lot of questions about your goings-on at school, they’re simply showing they care (and probably making sure you’ve been staying out of trouble!)

mean girlsRemember, parents can be a little overbearing when you’re home for the holidays. Practice patience, and realize their behavior is probably a result of them missing you a lot!

(Photo [left] found on tumblr.com.)

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Filed under College, Dealing with parents, Freshmen Year, Household living

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